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Farming STEMterprise

Key Stage 1 & 2

Farming STEMterprise projects take children through each stage of setting up a farm shop business: considering seasonality when deciding which crop to grow, growing their own ingredients, considering nutrition when designing their recipes, using market research to test their ideas out with potential consumers, working within a budget when buying additional ingredients, learning knife skills when making their products, calculating expected profit, designing responsible packaging and much more.

Practical Science and Design & Technology lessons, closely tailored to each year group’s programme of study, are incorporated throughout the projects and opportunities for applying Maths skills to engaging, real life problems are embedded at each stage. The projects have been designed to be easy to use and enable you to deliver key content from the national curriculum whilst embedding important messages about financial literacy and food provenance.

Farming STEMterprise has received Green Tick accreditation from the Association for Science Education and the projects are accredited by CREST Awards and the Children’s University. The projects were finalists in both the BETT and ERA awards and won the Teach Primary STEM award in 2020.
